Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 202 - Cuddly As A Kitten, We Are Monsters

I walked beside Mex and Horus with Beeno resting my arms. She had seemed to become a completely different woman after I had hit her with the blast of super-charged pleasure.

Now, the angry little woman was as cuddly as a kitten, which was quite a bit better than the other way. The rest of the group followed us, but I could feel their eyes on Beeno and me.

"As I said, this is a very new experience for Beeno. The other women are curious. I am sure to know why the strongest of them would act like this," Horus explained as we walked along the rolling shattered landscape, and then mentioned, "I will be able to explain it better when you meet my partner."

It seemed to go on endlessly, rolling away like a giant living wall. The landscape we walked one was distinctly honey bee yellow and ruby red sands, but it was beautiful in a strange way.

There were flat rock shelf parts, but no one was near them, and I was curious to know why.

"Food Rocks, they are magical creatures that live in the rocks, and they will get under your foot and eat you. All the way from the foot to your head, they aren\'t big on wasting, but they don\'t really have minds," Horus explained, and I nodded, but I had some other questions I wanted to ask.

Since the confrontation with Zero and him constantly telling me that I would learn what he was trying to do, something had been on my mind. Since this planet had been completely taken, I could see how the changes have affected everyone.

"What was it like for you and everyone before the Demons came versus how things are now?" I asked Horus, not sure how he would respond, if at all, and he waited before speaking as we walked.

The Nafa had a strange way of walking, and each one of their legs had four joints, giving something like a second knee. The back leg was slightly longer than the front two, but they walked smoothly, despite it looking awkward.

Their walk consisted of the front legs making two steps, while the back pushed forward, and then it would move ahead.

"Not terribly different, and each different way has its benefits over the other," Horus said as he made a gesture of using his hands as tipping scales.

"What are the benefits?" I asked curiously, and Beeno started to stir in my arms and then spoke up.

"Living until you are killed, and then having the chance to be reborn again, heals from most wounds, but they are also the things that make it bad. We can never die, and I have heard that the place that everyone goes to wait is like a jail, with no clue when you will be leaving. You can\'t even kill yourself; you have to ask someone else to do it," Beeno said and then tucked her head back into my chest, closing her pretty gemstone eyes.

Not really what I would call a convincing argument in the Demons favor, but maybe this isn\'t what he meant. Helsin Zero had said I would know, so it had to be something else.

"That isn\'t the only thing, and you know it. I think it is also the reason why you despise them so much. Surprisingly, the Kaulu and us fighting has almost completely stopped, and we are working on peace treaties as we speak. While there is still fighting among our people, it is mostly sanctioned duels," Horus explained, and Mex was the one to burst out this time.

"Excuse me? Peace treaty? Do you even know what that word means? You fought before we came and partially lost because you refused to work together!" Mex burst out, turning to Horus with his arms spread open in disbelief, but Horus just let out a cawing laugh.

"Yes, both of our people know what the word means and understand what we did wrong. We were angry after you all left, but we started to think about our new lives and reflected on our old ones as time passed. I am not saying that it made a choice for us, but becoming Demons has almost been what I would call good for us," Horus said, and I thought that Mex\'s jaw was about to fall off his face.

"Wait, Wait, Wait a minute!" Mex burst out again, and this time everyone stopped, and he continued. "We are Demons, the worst creature to ever have existed! We came in like wildfire and destroyed your way of life! We are monsters!"

"Yes, I agree, but we are not you, and our old way of life wasn\'t perfect anyway. Things are not as bad as they seem, but some people are stuck in the old ways," Horus said and glanced at the women in my arms, and I grinned.

I could see she was a feisty one, but I was slowly starting to get an image of what he was getting at, but I wasn\'t entirely convinced.

Sure, on a small planet like this, it would be fine if only two races benefited, but what about the places with many different types? Would the effect be the same?

I found that very hard to believe, and I had already seen that the wildlife hadn\'t changed that much. I couldn\'t make any assumptions yet, and I would have to see how it had affected the parts of the world that were already Demonized on the world I was on.

I had thought of doing what I had done for the Demons at Neft\'s village, but I couldn\'t fix the men yet, and I wasn\'t staying. It also seems that I worked here, so I might be the one causing the damage if I changed things back.

This was starting to become complicated, but it wasn\'t like that was anything new. I just had to keep moving forward, but then I felt the pulse that smashed through me, stopping both Mex and me dead in our tracks.

"How did she get in here so fast?!" Mex in uttered stunned confusion and I shared it, but there was more than one of them.

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