Everything will be my way!

Chapter 497 - 497

{Oh no, no, no! Not that!} – Kyon, finding that the granddaughter of the finance minister was looking at him strangely, backed away, abruptly entered invisibility and ran away, but soon felt someone\'s hand on his shoulder.

«Where are you going, prankster?» – the lady asked in an icy tone.

«Uh-uh… I decided to drop by the store, buy some wine… What kind of wine do you like?» – rubbing his palms, Lovr asked with an obsequious smile.

«Bloody!» – Stephanie snorted coldly and carefully looked around the madness happening nearby. – «Demonic mushrooms?»

«Uh-uh…» – Kyon opened his mouth in shock. – {How did she understand?!}

«What a mess you\'ve made, Dick Baker… How are you going to solve it now? Did you really decide to simply run away from responsibility?»

{Why was she the only one who kept her sanity?} – Lovr was puzzled. – {Did she protect herself with pure energy? No, the leakage of invisible gas cannot be predicted in advance… Or is she an imperial phaser at the middle stage or higher? It can\'t be… I felt her development during the duel with Juno…}

«Nothing to say? I see. Let\'s make a deal: one hundred two-hour individual lessons with me in exchange for eliminating all the consequences of your huge mistake.»

Kyon smiled bitterly: «Your offer is extremely tempting, but I don\'t think you can help me in this situation. Even your grandfather will be powerless.»

«Your skepticism is justified. So do you agree or not?»

«Let\'s say I agree…»

«Fine.» – the girl nodded. – «Wait until the evening, and then you will understand everything.»

{How could she be so sure? What\'s wrong with her, I don\'t understand?!} – however, now Kyon was more worried about Juno, because in this situation of widespread madness, she could easily be dishonored, which in no case should be allowed.

A little later, a group of strong people came to the order, they protected the students from themselves and each other. The period of mass sobering has come. Headache, fatigue and fever are just a few of the symptoms. Some victims remembered what had happened with crystal clarity, some in fragments, others even forgot the events of the whole past week. Rose\'s birthday party was a great success.

The next day, all the families of the victims knew about the incident in general. The patriarchs flew into a rage and longed to find and punish the culprit, but their anger could not be compared with the feelings of the participants in the mysterious madness. They began to realize that everything they did yesterday was not a game of their sick imagination, but happened for real. Someone has to take responsibility for everything and die a terrible death!

Ziz Hunter was afraid to leave the ward, over and over again remembering his fun with the tentaculipede.

The paling Rose constantly recalled scenes of his pursuit of Elsa, when he, completely stripped from the waist down, tried to convince his future wife to suck the poison from his reproductive organ.

Roman realized that he was not raping Juno, but the hive, because his penis was sticky, and the bees bothered him.

Juno realized with horror that she was masturbating in a public place while she was being watched not by cacti with eyes, but by real aroused students.

But three students from noble families received the most severe trials. They broke their lives with their own… hands, raping a local timid fat man.

It soon became clear that it all started after a strange muffled explosion that thundered out of the house at number 333, which was confirmed by the territory cleaner. The well-known Dick Baker lived in this house.

«Dick? So it\'s because of him… Ah… I\'ll KILL THE CRAP!» – extremely enraged Juno howled.

«DICK?!» – roared Rose, jumping up from the hospital bed with a face contorted with rage.

«Is it really because of him?!» – Elsa covered her mouth with her palm in amazement.

Ziz Hunter, Roman, Timothy, twin sisters and many others, having learned the identity of the culprit of yesterday\'s catastrophe, got up from their beds and, despite feeling terrible, went to the house number 333 to carry out an act of retribution.

Meanwhile, Kyon, in the guise of Zosimos, sat comfortably in an easy chair in his private mansion and sighed sadly, while Leila carefully massaged his feet, and Eve massaged his shoulders. He watched the development of events through his feathered spies and tried to figure out how to proceed.

Lovr did harm to all the families of the empire. Now it is even dangerous for him to appear in the department. Only the Russells (0) can protect him, but among those he knew only the 0th general, and why would he help someone he is currently testing?

Unbelievable: not only did the powder detonate for no apparent reason, but also the ventilation turned out to be defective. Kyon was so unlucky that even a lightning strike in broad daylight would seem something ordinary compared to this. It only points to one thing, that the goddess had a hand, but he doubted it. Not her level.

{Anyway, I screwed up completely… I\'ll have to run away with Juno to Saturn…} – Kyon summed up dejectedly. Of course, he did not count on Stephanie. Well, how will she help in his situation?

In the meantime, several hundred angry students gathered in the order around the house of Dick Baker: «Come out, you vile coward!» … «Come out and accept your fate, bastard!» … «You will answer for everything that happened yesterday through your fault!» … «Today you WILL DIE!» … «I swear on my life, you will answer for what you have done!»

But no one came out, so after a minute the patience of the students ran out. They intended to break through the protective barrier, when suddenly a deafening male voice was heard. It seemed to come from everywhere, like the voice of god.

«Ladies and gentlemen, this is the headmaster speaking to you. Yesterday afternoon, during the manufacture of medicine, which includes "Demonic mushroom", Dick Baker made a mistake, due to which an invisible and imperceptible narcotic gas covered the entire central zone of the order. You know the consequences. Specialists conducted an investigation and did not reveal any violations on the part of the student. He prepared medicine, following all the safety rules, in a room specially equipped for this: an alchemical laboratory. The mistake made during a complex experiment does not make him guilty. Any alchemist will tell you that every success is preceded by a hundred failures. The cause of all troubles is faulty ventilation. I, the headmaster of the school, on behalf of the entire order, apologize to you. The families of the victims will receive commensurate compensation. Those who intend to take out their indignation on the innocent student will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.»

When the broadcast stopped, Kyon jumped out of his chair, which caused Eve, who was doing a shoulder massage, to hang around his neck: {Stephanie, so you are the headmaster\'s favorite?!}

The zeroth general leaned back in his chair, smiling coldly: {The trouble magnet has finally been spotted. I hope you will appreciate my gift, my love.}

The students looked at each other in confusion. Even if the problem is indeed faulty ventilation, how is that supposed to ease their hatred of the fat man who started it all? Why didn\'t the headmaster make a scapegoat out of Dick, and why did he even take the hit instead? By his act, he almost directly declared to everyone that Baker was under his protection, and that he was worth spoiled relations with most noble families!

Rose trembled from the hatred bubbling in him. Yesterday, only a blind man did not see him naked. The patriarch\'s youngest son publicly disgraced himself! In addition, the fat scum ruined his birthday, and now he will escape the consequences?! Where\'s the justice?!

Juno reacted in much the same way. Now she was sitting in her chambers without leaving, afraid to show herself. She didn\'t really have anything to worry about. In the conditions of insane turmoil, only the fans saw her depraved actions, and only a few remembered it. In addition, not all of them believed that their subject of dreams masturbated in public.

Perhaps Elsa was the least upset about this turn of events. No, of course, she was also angry at Dick because her boyfriend had disgraced himself because of him, but for some time Stone had cooled off towards Valentine, but Baker, on the contrary, rose in her eyes, especially now when the headmaster of the order stood up for him.

The next day, the students found a note near house number 13, which said that Dick was so sorry for the mistake he had made that he fell into depression and now he needs two weeks to get back to normal.

Meanwhile, the invisible Kyon got into the 51st house. Receiving the expressive look of the girl who literally single-handedly saved him from major troubles, he smiled slightly: «Congratulations, lady, you have achieved what you wanted.»

«I\'m glad.» – the girl nodded calmly. – «Follow me.»

During the lecture, Kyon got to know Stephanie better. For about 18 years old, her character is abnormal: emotionless and purposeful, like Valeera, rational and prudent, like the zeroth general, noble and proud, like Elsa. And with all this, she was neither vain nor arrogant. She shows full confidence in every action and word. She likes to keep the situation under control. It is impossible to impose any conditions on her, she is not manipulated, and ignores everything that is irrelevant. Sometimes you can afford some things in her presence, for example, jokes and pranks that will definitely be ignored, but if you cross the line, for example, touch her shoulder, as the blood begins to freeze in the veins.

By the end of the lecture, Lovr found out that the granddaughter of the Minister of Finance not only fights at the level of an archmaster, but is also an alchemist and formacist of the third rank, like masters Feng and Julius. It is absolutely incomprehensible how a disciple of the order could have the experience of three wise masters! The only thing she is inferior to Elsa in addition to appearance is her talent for development! And the fact that no one knows about her abilities suggests that she is not interested in fame.

{Who is she?} – Kyon was at a loss. All this worried the young man quite a lot. He already regretted offering her private lessons in exchange for sex. It is necessary to rectify the situation just in case.

«Lady Stephanie, I apologize for refusing to conduct individual classes with you. Forget about that stupid condition. I just wanted you to stop pestering me.»

«I guessed it.» – the lady nodded dryly. – «Better tell me, who taught you?»

«I\'m self-taught…» – Kyon smiled softly.

«I see. Tomorrow at the same time.» – the girl escorted the master outside.

He got the impression that nothing could be hidden from Stephanie.

In the evening of the next day, when almost all the students recovered from the effects of drug poisoning, the Valentines still held a celebration of Rose\'s birthday.

The atmosphere at the party was strikingly different from what was expected. Despite all the efforts of the toastmaster, the young people could hardly have fun. Well, the birthday boy\'s strained smile very eloquently showed how disgusting his mood was.

Nevertheless, during the presentation of gifts, Rose was really happy for the first time that day: he was presented with an incredibly valuable wristwatch with a genuine seal of Gimli! The quality of the product was exorbitant. Priceless handiwork.

A kiss on the cheek from Elsa improved the blonde\'s mood even more. It seems that everything is not so bad. Dick could not spoil such a significant event.

And the watch on Valentine\'s hand is of course with a trick.

Revenge on the rapist of other people\'s wives had just begun, so Kyon did not stop grinning maliciously.

«And why are you smiling so unkindly?» – Leila was surprised and suddenly pulled her hands away from the man\'s feet, covering her lips in horror with her palms. – «Isn\'t it enough for you to have a foot massage performed by your beautiful daughter?!»

«What are you talking about, honey? I like the way you work with your hands. If you want to massage daddy\'s feet, then I won\'t stop you.» – Kyon explained condescendingly.

«And if I want to massage your ass, will you mind too?»

«Daddy\'s ass is not in your power, but yours is in mine.»

«So you\'re going to massage my ass?» – she asked hopefully.

«I\'ll massage it so hard that you won\'t be able to sit for a week!»

«And I don\'t mind…» – Leila whispered in a barely audible voice.

Lovr shook his head dejectedly and took out Valeera\'s letter. Over the past month, he had noticed progress in her attitude towards him. The level of hate in messages had decreased significantly. The first signs of the merging of the personalities of Zosimos and Kyon appeared in her subconscious.

Weber often writes about how lonely she is and how she wants him to come back to her; that she is ready to live with Kyon and even let him kiss and hug her… But only if he allows her to be with Zosimos at least 1 day a week.

{I think in a year you will be completely ready to accept me..} – Kyon happily put the letter back.

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