Everything will be my way!

Chapter 500 - 500

After learning the truth that Dick slept with more than 10 girls who were in love with him, Elsa could not recover for a long time. At some point, Stone tried to feign disbelief in order to hide the truth that had been revealed to her, but she didn\'t really succeed, so she changed the subject: «Okay, we\'re done with fortune-telling. It\'s time to talk about escaping from the department. So you\'re saying you didn\'t help "The Dark Baron" in any way?»

«Do not rush.» – Kyon interrupted her. – «Before I answer the main question, let me ask you something. Nothing special, just curiosity.»

«If it\'s not your another stupid joke, then go ahead.»

«Do you love Juno?»

Elsa raised an eyebrow in surprise: «Yes… She is my sister. Why are you asking?»

«I see that your relationship is not the most rosy.»

Stone sighed and sadly explained: «I always loved Juno, but she hated me. She doesn\'t need my love because of… Okay, whatever. By the way!» – the blonde suddenly perked up. – «You\'re a super-sneaky investigator! Can you find the messenger of the goddess for me?»

«What for? Did you like him, or what?»

«What do you care?» – Elsa squinted mysteriously, suspecting the fat man of jealousy.

«Be honest, and then maybe I\'ll help you.»

The girl rolled her eyes: «Anna told me that Kyon emptied our treasury, gave grandfather a heart attack, blackmailed him for ten million, and killed her sister… The supreme servant Dina! Will that answer suit you?»

Kyon shook his head: «As far as I know, he allowed the Stones to take first place in the tournament, where among the awards were these ten million and even two hundred Tokens, which fully pay for the partially cleaned out treasury. As for Dina\'s death, her body was never found. This whole story stinks. It is spotty. And the messenger of the goddess does not seem to me a bad guy.»

Elsa slammed her fist on the table: «Why are you defending him?!»

«What?..» – Kyon tilted his head in bewilderment. – «I said everything to the point. He doesn\'t look like a criminal.»

The blonde hesitated, then still told the main thing: «When Juno got into the order, I found on her forehead the submissive formation of the highest quality, imposed by an advanced phaser…»

At this moment, Kyon involuntarily shivered. Apparently, the personalities of Kyon and Dick are so incompatible for Elsa that she would rather believe that the messenger of the goddess has the monstrous skills of a formacist than in a readable similarity of characters. However, now Stone will immediately understand everything if she finds out that he knows how to change his appearance, and then the otherworlder will have problems.

«Kyon had just such a development when he performed at the tournament of families. Juno didn\'t answer my questions. I\'m inclined to believe that the messenger of the goddess took advantage of my sister! And even though he didn\'t dishonor her, I still won\'t forgive him! How dare he give orders to my sister against her will?! The very thought of the pain and humiliation she experienced makes a volcano boil in me! He must be held accountable!»

The bloodlust emitted by Elsa sent a chill through Kyon\'s skin. He felt like he dodged a bullet because he was too different from the target of this dangerous girl: «Well, since he dared to subdue your sister, then I will definitely look for him.»

«Thank you!» – he girl took a breath and calmly continued what she had begun. – «Your turn to answer questions: tell me, did you help "The Dark Baron" escape from the department?»

Kyon got into a difficult situation. No self-hypnosis will help deceive Elsa\'s ability. The fact is that the soul keeps in itself the answer to the question asked by the girl, which betrays its owner, no matter what tricks he tries to pull off.

So, the task is as follows: to deceive the soul somehow. But how? The soul itself does not hear or feel anything. At least up to the royal phase inclusive. The soul interacts with the physical world through the mind - through the senses. So, it is necessary to completely fake the information coming into the mind, and the Synergy in this matter fits perfectly! With its help, you can fake the mouth movement of the girl asking the question and the words she uttered - that\'s the solution!

In fact, it is also not difficult to deceive Juno: it is enough to put the body at the disposal of Synergy, and rest. And it is even better to deceive the girl by turning her ability against her.

{Damn, why didn\'t I guess that at once?!} – Kyon thought. Dark and light states, it turns out, dull the ability to rational thinking, because the owner is subject to emotions.

«No.» – Lovr confidently answered Stone\'s question.

Annoyance and relief flashed across Elsa\'s beautiful face. Just in case, she asked a few more questions, but the young man was sincere.

«And the last question: do you consider yourself a good guy?»

Synergy did not fake the question, and Kyon was surprised by what he heard: {Wow, she\'s good!} – he immediately recognized the ulterior motive. If he answers "yes", which is exactly what most guys will say to such an exquisite beauty, then from now on he will have to stick to his words. The girl will be able to push him around, playing on a sense of responsibility and the expectation of a certain pattern of behavior.

In fact, you need to be good first of all for your conscience, and not for others, so Lovr answered the following: «For some, I am good, but for others I am bad. For example, I\'m bad for you, right?»

«You\'re just a monster!» – the girl quipped.

«Since you\'ve asked me a lot of tactless questions, now it\'s my turn. Are you really as kind and sympathetic as people say about you?» – Kyon seized the initiative.

«Yes, I am, why are you asking?» – a shadow of embarrassment flashed across Elsa\'s pretty face. She clearly wanted to get away from such a difficult conversation.

«And you think you\'re better than others, right?» – Lovr asked shrewdly.

«No… I\'m the same as everyone else… I just try harder than others. I\'m far from the "best of the best" like you!» – the blonde tried to turn this around.

«You are completely incapable of lying. I can see in your eyes how important it is for you to feel your superiority. Moreover, you are trying to prove it with all your might: superheroism, kindness and responsiveness to everyone around you, the desire to show everyone that you are the best student of the order… And then I appeared and took away your laurels of glory. You hate me, don\'t you, lady vain hypocrite?»

The atmosphere in the room changed dramatically.

«Did you call me a vain hypocrite?» – the lady asked coldly, releasing the pressure.

Kyon ignored the slight discomfort: «I won\'t go back on my words. Vanity makes you work hard to surpass me. I noticed those mountains of books. You even suppressed your pride and came to my classes! And you would have fought for the mastery of the fight with Juno long ago and would have honestly lost to her, but you stubbornly ignore all her challenges, afraid of losing popularity. Am I wrong about something?»

«You\'re crossing every line…» – Elsa muttered through clenched teeth.

«I don\'t deny that you are an all–round genius, but vanity is your weakness. People have long been looking at you with adoration in anticipation of the next feats, and before you had time to realize it, your life turned into an endless meeting of other people\'s expectations. I don\'t envy you, sis.»

«GET OUT!» – the girl exploded and pushed the fat man to the exit.

«See you in class, my student.» – Kyon winked mischievously at her, for which he received a kick in the ass.

«I wish I\'d never laid my eyes on you!» – Elsa felt herself losing self-control at every word the fat man said. She was infuriated not by the fact that Dick told the truth, but by the fact that he sees through her. He\'s a goddamn black belt master at pissing off. How infuriating he is!

A group of strong practitioners suddenly burst into the hunting master\'s house and arrested the tentaculipede along with his master in front of the stunned students.

The patronage of the headmaster was clearly confirmed in practice. No matter how much authority Ziz Hunter had, his attempt to kill the fat man with the help of the tentaculipede had consequences. And an excuse like "the beast acted on its own" will not work here.

«Why haven\'t I heard the explosion yet?» – Rose complained irritably, looking up from his book. Usually the mail is delivered directly to the mailbox, after that a flag is raised, which is easy to notice. Or is Dick blind?

«Mr. Rose», – the maid addressed the master. – «A note for you from Lady Elsa.»

«From Elsa?!» – Valentine excitedly grabbed the plump envelope and looked at the inscription on the back. Judging by the seal of the Stones and the initials "S. E. Y.", written in familiar sweeping handwriting, there is no doubt that the package came from the future wife.

«Have we really moved on to the stage of the relationship when we will send love letters to each other? How cute…» – a smile played on the blonde\'s face. – «You are free.»

The maid took her leave.

Rose impatiently opened the envelope and took out the contents. When a nephrite with some kind of formation inside fell out, the smile on the guy\'s face froze.


Windows blew out of the house from a powerful explosion.

Half of the students of the central zone of the order jumped up from fright.

The chambers of the youngest son of the patriarch of the Valentines turned into ruins.

The blond man in torn and burnt rags sat with a confused look on the wreckage of an armchair, blinking his eyes in confusion. Now he looked like a devil coming out of a chimney.

«MOTHERFUCKE-E-EE-EE-E-ER!» – the enraged Rose roared like a wild beast.

«Eat your shit yourself, bastard.» – Kyon grinned wickedly. Who would he be if he fell into such a primitive trap? Valentine did a good job, he gave him a great opportunity to cry havoc in their relationship with Elsa. I wonder how he will react when he hears that Dick was serenading under her window… And then suddenly disappeared somewhere.

Meanwhile, the guy was approaching his hideout in Dantes. Three days ago, Lovr reached the 10th stage and only now, having been on it, he was 100% sure that after the transformation he would immediately reach the 2nd stage.

Kyon settled down in a safe place, sat in the lotus position, took out the transformation medicine he had once received as a reward at the tournament of families, and swallowed it.

A breakthrough into a noble phase usually takes no more than three days. This cannot be said about higher phases, where it can take several days, or even weeks. But, apparently, a day and a half will be enough for Lovr.

And indeed, after a day and a half, Kyon opened his shining eyes. A contented smile played on the young man\'s face. He just transformed his soul into a noble phase and even broke through to the 2nd stage at once! No complications, everything went like clockwork.

As expected, along with the transformation of the soul into the noble phase, Synergy also jumped from the beginning of the bachelor\'s degree (3) to the intermediate level.

Now the royal phasers at the beginning stage (6) are definitely not opponents for Lovr, largely due to the developed right hand, which hits with the strength of the practitioner 20 stages higher than the owner. And if you add to this a heavy sword, the ability to use Cuts of darkness and light, as well as clones, then it is unlikely that he will lose even to royal phasers at the middle stage like Rose and Roman. At least, he will definitely be able to escape. As for royal phasers at the finishing stage such as Elsa, in this case it is more reasonable to refrain from a duel.

Further development does not involve difficulties. He only needs to train hard and not forget to take the medicine of "Enzymes" three portions a day. All this will have to be combined with daily lectures with students and Stephanie Russell.

However, Kyon will soon have to arrange a meeting with Rose under a different identity, otherwise the grandiose revenge plan will fail, and then there will be the wedding of Juno and Roma.. He needs to prepare properly for the ceremony.

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