Epic of Bee

Chapter 117 Calibrating Payback

\'I am going to join my brother and sister on the battlefield. I will assist you when you arrive!\' Atom told me as he jumped from me.

There was no point in trying to stop him, but I hoped that they were going to be careful. I want to stay true to my word, and that extends to my pets; no one died today but Predators.

I slowly let myself relax as my other wives got comfortable on unique chairs that came up from the ground. Once everyone was ready, I sent the signal out to Hilda to drop us all in.

Instantly I fell through my body, and darkness held me for a brief moment. The silence was a brief respite before I prepared to throw myself into the fight to protect my people.

I had never had anything I had needed to protect but myself, but now I had many people that had protected me. It was time to put the hurt on whatever these monsters were.

[Drone Sync] Complete!

[Weapons System] Online!

[GraviBee Repulsor Shield] Online!

[Searching for relevant upgrades] ...Complete! 3 Skills Found!

[Reach](Passive): Increase reach of the current weapon by 3 meters. (During combat only)

[Honey Cluster Buster](Lethal)  Triggered, Honey Cluster Buster explodes in a two-meter radius, and 50 smaller Stick Honey Cluster Bombs will explode on contact with anything after a 2-second delay.

[Hive Prison Wax-Nade](Tactical)  After activated, Hive Prison Wax-Nade is released on contact with any creature and is placed in a Hexagonal Wax prison with a decaying durability of 2 Durability per second. Hive Prison can not be damaged from the inside. 1500/1500 Durability.

[Upgrades] Complete!

\'Prepare yourself; the battle is just getting started,\' Hilda said in my mind.


\'As soon as I am in, lock me on to Ryan. His skill is needed up here; He will be the only way that we can prevent losses with his BEE-TT,\' I thought back.


\'Confirmed, I have the Drone flying towards him, and you will be in front of him as you drop into the suit. Do not move until the QBee Drone calibrates your size, and then you will have to take a couple practice steps to let it get all your data. This is not something that you should be doing, but you need to do it, or it will not feel like you and your movements won\'t match your intentions,\' Hilda explained, but then I was standing in front of Ryan, looking down on him slightly.

"Queen? What is this suit?" Ryan asked in confusion.

"Get inside; you are needed up top. The girls and I will lead in the fight, but we need you up top to move people where they are needed!" I said in a mechanical buzzing voice.

"Yes! They are coming in waves, but they can only send fifty at a time, or we start to funnel them off the sides! I will send John to report to you!" Ryan said as he ran back to the ship.

\'Ryan is coming up to the ship, lock on, and Bee-am him up!\' I messaged up to the Bridge on broadcast so someone would get on it.

\'On it, Queen!\' Pixie called back, and Ryan disappeared off my scanner.

[Body Scan] Complete!


"You are ready to take your first steps," Hilda said to me, but I was going over the battle.

I made slow steps toward the plateau\'s center, but I was trained on Tag, who was pushing a group of ten Predators back with two other defenders. Sig was missing, but then the ten Predators were sent flying that was on the outside of the group.

The middle five, we tore into bloody shreds as Sig smashed into them. The system gave me a quick recap of what actually happened.

Sig\'s body had changed into a cone as he got closer, but they formed a one-meter cube battering ram at the last second. Sig pulled up right after and then blasted off again and off my scanners.

Leah and a group of five Brawlers were fighting with another group of ten, but then the head of a predator exploded into blood mist as it tried to attack one of the Troll Brawlers. I looked up and saw Xani on top of the Royal Flying Hive Fortress, and she waved down at me.

"Ryan is up top, and he is feeding me targets to save his BEE-TT for when we need it!" Xani said, and her voice broadcasted inside my suit.

"Predators approaching, System is almost done, sending a ping to M&M," Hilda told me as I continued my slow steps.

I could see the four that were coming up to me, but I was not worried; Messia and Miasma were closing. The four turned to face the pincer attack, but it was too late for them, the girl\'s speed had increased at the last moment, and they streaked past each other.

Fire and Lightning tore the four apart and left nothing but burnt and bloody chunks. Both the girls looped around and then came to my side.

"We are here now!" Messia said as she came to my side.

"These suits are so awesome!" Miasma squealed in the speaker, making me wince as I watched her shadow box and discharged shocks with each punch.

"HAAAA!" Miku roared, and I watched her slam whips into the mountain where the Predators were trying to wait for their turn to join the fray.

"ROOOOAR! PREDATORS SWARM THEM! TAKE YOUR HONOR FOR HIM!" The massive Predator echoed down the mountainside, and the wave started again.

[System Calibration] Complete!

[QBee Royal Avatar] Online!

"DO NOT GIVE QUARTER! PUSH TO MEET THEM AND TAKE THIS MOUNTAIN BACK!" I said, and my body with its blade dress and sleek metal frame started to glow a brilliant yellow.

I could feel my excitement rise as I bent my knees and then looked directly at the massive Predator at the back of the wave. I had a score to settle and a debt owed for hurting my friends.

"I AM COMING FOR PAYBACK, BITCH!" I screamed as I reached above my head, and the air cracked open.

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