Perfect Superstar

Chapter 178

The music hadjust been turned off. Lu Chen looked silently at Chen Fei’er, who was leaningon his shoulder.

The Queen ofSweet Song tilted her head, her black hair fell on the sofa, her pretty facewas flushed red and her eyes were half-closed.

Lu Chencould smell the faint smell of alcohol she exhaled.

Chen Fei’er wasdrunk.

At herinsistence, Lu Chen came to this KTV chain located on the top floor of the mallto sing. The two ordered half a box of Budweiser and a lot of snacks.

Chat, drink,sing, guess the dice... Chen Fei’er had a good time.

Lu Chen wasthe same.

He hasn’tbeen so relaxed for a long time. He didn’t have to think about anything. Hejust followed his own mood.

And accompanyinghim to play was nevertheless a real Heavenly Queen!

Chen Feierdrank 5 of the 12 330ml bottles of beer. If it wasn’t for Lu Chen stopping her,she would have drunk more.

As a result,with the strong alcohol, she has fallen asleep leaning on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen wasspeechless. The Queen of Sweet Songs has too much trust in his character.

If he wantedto do something bad...

Lu Chen’seyes fell on Chen Fei’er’s pretty face, and he suddenly had an evil idea.

“SisterFei, Sister Fei?”

He calledsoftly twice, and not surprisingly, there was no response.

Lu Chen’smouth evoked an evil smile. He quietly stretched out his evil hand to Chen Fei’erwho was drunk.

He very gentlypinched her cheek.

“Littlegirl, you finally fell into my hands today, and it’s useless even if you screamuntil your throat is broken.”

“First,give this lord a smile!”

Lu Chen laughed,but he quickly withdrew his hand.

He was verysatisfied in his heart!

He reallywanted to take a picture and post it on his blog with the title “A youngmaster of a rich family got Chen Fei’er drunk at a KTV, the chastity of thispitiful Heavenly Queen of a generation is not guarantee”.

Imaginingabout that picture. It wasn’t too beautiful!

Afterthinking about it for a moment, Lu Chen took out his cellphone and called ChenFei’er’s assistant.

Chen Fei’er wasso drunk. Then he must get her assistant to help send her back.

After givingthe address to the other party, Lu Chen ended the call.

Just as heput down his cellphone, he was stunned.

He saw ChenFei’er turned her head and put her chin on his shoulder, showing a smile thatcould turn the world upside down.

Her eyeswere blurry, and she gently opened her red lips and asked in a soft voice,“My Lord, is my smile to your satisfaction?”

Lu Chen couldn’twait to find a crack in the ground to hide in.

It turnedout that Chen Fei’er wasn’t really drunk!

He wascaught red-handed and could only admit his mistake with a bitter face:“Sister Fei, I was wrong...”

Chen Fei’ergiggled and said, “Admitting that you were wrong showed that you’re stilla good child, but since you did something wrong, you will be punished. Aspunishment, you have to write me two songs, which must be very pleasant tolisten to, otherwise...”

She clenchedher fist and shook it at Lu Chen: “I’ve studied Taekwondo!”

Lu Chen wasgranted an amnesty: “Two songs, no problem!”

Chen Fei’erproudly picked up her bag, got up and said, “Let’s go and wait for SisterZhang downstairs.”

Sister Zhangis Chen Fei’er’s assistant.

The two wentout to check out and pay the bill. After they took the elevator to go downstairs,they saw Sister Zhang at the door.

She and the restof her entourage must have been waiting nearby, so they came as soon as theywere called.

Chen Fei’erturned to Lu Chen and said, “I won’t see you off. You’ll be driving byyourself. Pay attention to safety.”

Lu Chennodded: “Goodbye, Sister Fei.”

Chen Fei’erblinked her eyes, then she suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Lu Chen on his cheek.

Lu Chen immediatelyfroze.

SisterZhang, who was standing at the door, was stunned when she saw this.

Since ChenFei’er made her debut, she has been with Chen Fei’er. She is closer to her thanChen Fei’er’s relatives.

But SisterZhang has never seen Chen Fei’er so close to other men!

Chen Fei’ersaid with a smile, “Thank you for having such a good time with me. This isa thank you gift. Don’t think too much about it!”

She wavedher hand and turned to leave, sprinkling a string of silver bells of laughter.

Lu Chenwatched Chen Fei’er’s figure disappear into the night. After a while, hetouched the wet marks on his cheek.

He smiledwryly.

If thisscene was secretly photographed by the entertainment paparazzi in Beijing, it isestimated that he will surely make headlines!

She wasreally not afraid!

In fact, thenext day, September 18. The man who really made the headlines was Wang Bin.

[Wang Binwas arrested, and another superstar was added to the prison.]

[How did thegood man Wang Bin fall?]

[The peopleof Chaoyang District have made new contribution again. Count the entertainmentstars that have been caught this year!].

[Fall intothe abyss at the age of forty - the destruction of Wang Bin!].

In theentertainment sections of major mainstream magazines, portal websites and eventhe home page of entertainment sites, all published the astonishingdisappearance of Wang Bin who was arrested for drug abuse. The media fell intoa collective revelry and began to dig into the dark scenes of the entertainmentindustry.

AlthoughWang Bin is not a top superstar, he made his debut very early, and belongs tothe old generation in the circle. He is also a film and television artist. Hehas always had a good image and is known as a good man in the new era.

However, hisimage of a good man in the eyes of the public was instantly destroyed, causingan earthquake in the circle.

Some mediareported that Wang Bin didn’t use drugs alone, but also gathered people. At thesame time, a number of his friends in the circle were arrested, which was not eventheir first time. A number of them were artists!

The mediadidn’t directly name names. They used "L" and "C" as their surnames to refer tothem. As a result, it caused a lot of speculation on blogs. Many innocent starartists were implicated and attacked, and they could only make a publicstatement to refute the rumors.

At a time, allkinds of bad people have emerged, and the number of visitors at Inspur Bloghave increased several times!

But these rumorshave nothing to do with Lu Chen.

What was relatedto Lu Chen was that his first solo album, “You Who Sat Next To Me”,has been on on QQ Music Online for 10 days, with sales volume reaching 347,202copies, nearly 350,000, and there was little doubt that he will break through500,000, achieving platinum, in the future.

For a newsinger who has just made his debut, such an achievement is simply going againstheaven’s will and deserves a grand celebration.

The mostimportant thing was that the success of “You Who Sat Next To Me” hasgreatly inspired local original works in the domestic pop music industry. Ithas made many songwriters and singers discover that there is still great marketpotential for nostalgic folk songs.

[Campus folksongs] This folk song category pioneered by Lu Chen has begun to take root inthe hearts of people and quietly become popular. Many entertainment companiesand artists and singers are planning to withdraw from their works in an attemptto get a piece of this market.

But morepeople were directly staring at Lu Chen. The number of people calling Lu ChenStudio and Lu Xi were getting more and more!

“Thereare currently seven entertainment record companies requesting songs from you. Ihave made offers for all of them, but they haven’t replied yet.”

In thegeneral manager’s office, Lu Xi held a stack of paper to report to Lu Chen on therecent business situation: “Two of them are very sincere and there shouldbe a negotiation soon, mainly about price and copyright.”

“YouWho Sat Next To Me” is selling great. Lu Chen asked Lu Xi to raise theprice of his work to 350,000 yuan, and retains some copyrights, such as veryimportant cover rights and foreign copyrights.

This pricehas reached the level of first-class or even top songwriters in the the eyes of outsiders, it’s seems like he is demanding an exorbitant price,and this is sure to scare off many companies that are interested incooperation.

However, nowLu Chen will not easily write songs for people. As the saying goes, “the rarersomething is, the greater its value". Although there are countless classics andexcellent works in his memory, he still wants to sell them at a high price.

On one hand,Lu Chen didn’t want to wholesale these works from the dream world likecabbages. On the other hand, he also wanted to set up his own appeal in the industry- it is expensive, anyone is free to buy it or not! (TN: Like a brand)

Now Lu Chenhas full of confidence in himself and emboldened. A quarter of his family’shuge debt has been paid off by him, and the pressure has been greatly reduced.Moreover, if the online crowdfunding plan is successfully implemented, it willnot be a problem to pay off all the debts in one fell swoop.

Under suchcircumstances, Lu Chen naturally held the bottom line. (TN: He can set theprice)

And it canbe expected that in the future, the value of his works will only get higher andhigher!

350,000?It’s just the beginning!

Lu Chen saidwithout hesitation: “The price is not negotiable. If there is arequirement for copyright, then increase the price!”

Lu Xi noddedwithout much surprise. Lu Chen’s insistence was correct in this regard.

She turned apage in her hand and continued: “In terms of advertising endorsements,there are currently three companies in negotiations. One of them, Silver HorseAdvertising Company, has put forward an endorsement contract for Senqi Sportswear.I feel very good about the contract and I am ready to agree to it foryou.”

“Senqi Sportswear?”

Lu Chen’seyes lit up: “How much are their offer?”

Senqi is anew clothing brand in the market, focusing on the sports consumer market foryoung people, so it has a lot of advertising investment in all major media, andit is not strange for them to find Lu Chen.

For moststar artists, advertising endorsements have always been the focus of makingmoney.

Top superstarscan earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year in this respect.Especially in recent years, the international and domestic economic recoveryhas led to the growth of the consumer market, and the endorsement fees of starshave naturally risen.

Lu Xi said, “Theendorsement contract offered by Silver Horse Advertising Company is 800,000yuan a year, mainly for shooting posters and a TV advertisement. If there’s aneed for your personal appearance during a promotion, then the appearance feewill be calculated separately.”


Comparedwith the endorsement fee for A-list stars, the price is only a fraction, but itis already very good for newcomers, because shooting such posters and TVcommercials is also publicity for themselves!

Lu Chennodded: “Yes, you can take care of this for me.”

There were advertisersthat had come to their door before, but the endorsement contracts provided werevery unreliable and were all rejected by Lu Xi.

Senqi’sbrand positioning is mid-range, and it focuses on sports health, which is verysuitable for his image.

Lu Xi saidwith a smile, “I wish we could ask for 1 million more. If you were morefamous, there would be no problem!”

Lu Chensmiled.

But what neitherLu Chen nor Lu Xi didn’t expect was that just a few days later, his reputationwould really rise to the next level!


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