Chapter 32

Observing the damage that the entire Skyr Ventis exoskeleton received, Desmond could only cry without tears for his bad luck; of course, some would say it was just karma that came to bite Desmond on the butt but the shameless hunter pushed all the blame onto the goddess of fortune who has not favored him since he woke up today.

′′ I think I remember that the heart is quite valuable. . . you know what? forget it, I’ll probably bleed out before I get anything out of this bastard; I also think that more than one creature in this forest heard that explosion. ”

Dragging his body covered in small and large wounds, Desmond reached the place where he left his backpack of supplies; quickly grabbing it, Desmond turned and gave the Skyr Ventis corpse a reluctant look before quickly leaving.

He only advanced a few dozen meters before a whole chaotic symphony of roars could be heard behind him, Desmond quickly concluded that it probably originated from the place where the explosion occurred; realizing that he made a good decision to leave the place Desmond tried to hurry his pace to get to his cave.

Perhaps a little resentful of the continuous insults she received today and taking some consciousness, the goddess of fortune smiled again at the bastard womanizer whom she had taken so much pleasure in; so Desmond didn’t run into any problems on the way.

Arriving at the cave, Desmond wasted no time as he removed Kyuru with everything and the bed from his backpack by placing it on the side of the cave; then he quickly grabbed the beast repellent and sprayed the cave entrance again.


Once the little things were done, Desmond began treating his injuries; Unfortunately, his knowledge of the subject is limited to placing band-aids on scraped knees, so he could only remove the fragments of stones stuck in different parts of his body and try to clean his wounds a little.

′′ GARR Come on Desmond you are a big boy and big boys don’t cry. . . AARRH damn why does it hurt so much. . . Fuu Fuuu breathes, courage Desmond only a couple more fragments are missing. . . AAARRRH Fuck! bloody explosions, bloody ’90s action movies with their explosions deceptively harmless to the protagonists; and since I’m at it damn my ignorance because I still don’t understand why the hell there was an explosion in the first place. ”

Venting his anger and pain through insults Desmond continued to remove fragments of stone embedded in his body; While he considered how bad his current state was, he could see little Kyuru waking up probably from the great number of screams of pain that she must have heard.

′′ umm Desmond, did we go back to the cave? . . . oh by the great serefia what happened to you? ′′

At first, the fairy was confused by the change of scenery while she was sleeping; but upon seeing Desmond heavily wounded whatever sleepiness will remain in her vanished as she approached him with her little worried face.

′′ Nothing special, just start an impossible fight to win against a Skyr Ventis, of course at least I was smart enough to set traps and all that; but not smart enough to know why the hell it exploded when I shot an arrow at it while it burned in flames. . . You know hunter stuff, nothing out of the ordinary. ”

Kyuru seeing a Desmond with multiple wounds still bleeding, talking about the situation in a way that didn’t make much clear, but even then he was giving that carefree image that he usually has most of the time, for a moment she thought that her promise seal could have been done with a complete idiot or with someone who has something wrong in his head.

′′ Don’t move too much Desmond, just lie here; I’ll try to heal you as well as possible ′′ She said as she pointed to the ground in front of her.

“Wow, so fairies can do healing things and all that.”

Kyuru had a strange expression on her face as she watched Desmond’s reaction at the time, despite what many might think about fairies, in general, are quite adorable and playful; but they are by no means stupid, In fact, their wisdom rivals that of the elves, and their sensitivity to the emotions of the sentient beings that surround them make them much more intelligent in some respects.

The reason that Kyuru was uncomfortable with Desmond’s attitude towards his current state, was that she through her connection with Desmond could tell that Desmond was indeed in a lot of pain from his injuries; but despite the pain and weakness that came with it, Desmond didn’t seem to care.

Not that Desmond will seek to die or anything like that, not that he was not aware of the full spectrum of consequences that his injuries brought him; It seemed to Kyuru that Desmond somehow had so little emotional self-awareness that he could simply shrug off his current state and only seek to heal his wounds because his logic, instincts, and other motives drive him to do so but not because of worry about himself.

While gathering a large amount of life mana from the atmosphere to cast a healing spell on Desmond, Kyuru was still concerned about her guardian’s state of mind; from her point of view, and the emotions she was perceiving things don’t look good.

Kyuru believed that this problem had its origin in whatever trauma was that almost broke Desmond’s mind when they first met, at that time the contract between the two was newly formed and Kyuru used the enormous power generated by it to prevent so much of the mind as the soul will fall apart; after that her spiritual connection continued to hold and heal Desmond’s soul but the trauma from which it originates is still there.

Therefore, until his soul heals completely and the trauma is resolved, problems like this could persist; in the end, it doesn’t matter how powerful her magic was because it was the result of a strong psychological trauma that only Desmond can solve.

The vital mana reached its maximum when a chant came from Kyuru’s lips in a voice full of mastery and purity:

“Ed vita lessa retria maná domare ed anima”

′′ In the name of Kyurustrae-exzar-Serefia may the manna obey my will′′

A magic circle of a golden color with a light green hue materialized above Desmond’s wounded body; when he felt his wounds begin to heal from the light radiated by the magic circle, felt the fatigue of the battle reach him, causing him to fall asleep.

Kyuru seeing the spell quickly heal her guardian looked at his sleeping face, then his bloody clothes, then thinking of the indifferent expression on Desmond’s face as he talked about how it ended up this way; An expression of determination rare to see in a fairy appeared on Kyuru’s face as she muttered a few words that would be heard only by her:

′′ I promised you peace and blessings; And I plan to keep my promise Someday I will see completely healed your soul and your mind, until that day I will protect you from as much damage as possible, I will heal your wounds, I will take your pain, I will snatch you from the embrace of death as many times as necessary; so that the day comes Desmond Astryd when you finally have the peace that your soul yearns for and you can go into the future without those scars defining you. ”

Remembering the little time they had spent together during which Desmond had shown her nothing but kindness and care; the oath made by the fairy whose true name was Kyurustrae-exzar-serefia could not be done with more sincerity and purity.

Seeing that the spell was almost over and Desmond seemed to be in perfect condition, Kyuru’s lazy and spoiled demeanor returned to 150% when she took her beloved pillow to place on Desmond’s chest and sleep on it; in less than five minutes the drool dripped from her cute little mouth as she murmured the name of her favorite dishes.

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